- Oh yeah Sharers, what's going on, welcome to Volvo, welcome back to another awesome day. So for those of you who don't know, wait a sec, there's people standing right at the end of the driveway, I don't know what that person's doing. And there's a drone in the sky, look at that. Let me just go inside the garage so that drone doesn't catch us. Hang on. Okay, anyways Sharers, what's going on, I better close this garage or something weird's going on. Who is that person, they're standing there, flying a drone over our house? I don't know what's going on, it could be because I left the spy wagon in the middle of the road. I'm gonna close the garage door for now, I should probably bring the spy wagon back in, but I put it outside today because we have a super, super exciting vlog today for you. That's right Sharers, we have a lot going on so if you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button, turn on post notifications, and smash that like button because today's vlog is gonna be totally, totally, totally super exciting. That's right, if you didn't already know there's been a lot of stuff going on in the last couple vlogs. Well first off, I ran into the wall, the wall cracked open and behind the wall was this escape room hatch door that let's just say goes really, really far. We have to get proper tools and equipment to go in there. I don't even know if I wanna open this. It's like, it goes really far, it's an entire room and it goes so far back underground we don't even know where it leads too but we ordered a ton of equipment, lights, hammers, tools, so we can get back in there and really see how far this escape room door goes. So if you have any ideas on where it could lead to, comment down below. To give you a hint, the wall to the actual garage is also cracked so I think this wall might be fake as well, and maybe there's an entire room back there or something. I don't know, but all I can say is this goes really far back. And second Sharers, if you didn't see in my last vlog, I went undercover as the mystery neighbor's twin sister and let's just say it got completely crazy. - Let me get my shoes on. - Yeah, Sharers could be home any moment so hurry hurry hurry. jimsmith and I gotta get these merch files up so hurry hurry hurry hurry. Yeah, as funny as it was let's just say it paid off because we successfully recovered the hard drive with all the merch files so that means we are good to set up the brand new Share the Love merch store aka lilpeepmerch.net and get the merch up and running and sent out to every single person. So, that leads me back, let's open the garage door again. Hopefully that drone is gone, and let me show you what we have. Check this out. All right, hold on, I think he's gone. We are good, drone's gone, we're good. Spy wagon is out on the street though, I should probably bring the spy wagon back in 'cause that might be why that drone was here. But, check it out, we have our very first shipment in this box that we gotta bring inside because we have an entire Share the Love merch store inside, that's right. Get ready because lilpeepmerch.net is about to launch at the end of this vlog. Let me show you what we have going on, we have an entire operation. Oh man, this box is heavy, here we go. (grunts) jim has been working hard at fixing the website, repairing it, and it's gonna be up in no time. Check this out. (grunts) Leave that box there, close the door, make sure nobody's following us. We're good, okay. The lilpeepmerch.net is up right now but it's not completely running. In order for it to be running, we have to type in a secret passcode. And because the mystery neighbor has her own vlog channel, she could be watching this video right now. So Ellen, if you're watching, you're not gonna find the passcode, only the Sharers are. So Sharers, all you have to do to find the passcode is we hid two of these share the love logos around the house. And on them is a code. You need both words to unlock the code to get into the site, so as soon as you see the code, comment it in the section below and if you guess it right, you may just get a shout-out and some free merch. So let me show you our operation to the new Share the Love merch store aka
lilpeepmerch.net. Check it out. Oh yeah, what's going on jim? - Hey, what's up dude, we're almost good, we're almost good all set up. - Oh yeah. So jim is currently coding the website right now, he's getting it all secure and all set up because we are about to launch it, but it's password protected right now. So I told the Sharers where to find the password, we can't just give it out. - Definitely not. - There's two giant red share the love logos hidden around the house that you've gotta find, if you find it comment it down below. So jim, I have everything can help the design, you got any printing out? - Yeah, so just print this one out, check this out, this is like almost my favorite it's so cool. - Oh, share the love in the circle format with the fading blue, that looks so good. - Check these ones out too, so we got a smiley face sharer fam logo, orange share the love is 3-D, got like a shadow background, and check out that box form. - Oh, I love this one, this looks so good. - Yeah, so check it out, we got all our new merchandise right over here. We got it all printed out, we've got some blank shirts. So this is what we print it on, lilpeepmerch.net. So we've got a blank green shirt, and then we got all these different designs, like, what do we wanna put on this one? Well, let's see what this would look like, right? - Ooh, yes. - Not bad. - That would look pretty good. - That'd be pretty cool, so we should make that. And then yeah, we can custom all, put them on different blank shirts, see what they look like, and see the ones we actually wanna produce. - And, check it out jim, look what just came in. So this box has all the completed prototypes of all the hoodies. Check this out, Sharers, you ready for this? - [jim] Whoa. - Oh yeah. Look at how good these look. New merch, check it out, doesn't that look good? - [jim] Yeah, it's awesome. Love that design on the yellow. - And check this one out, this one is so epic, I love this one. Red share the love hoodie. This is what I'm talking about. So now that we've got all the merch in, it's time to do a little photo shoot with some of this new merch in our photo booth station. Check this out, so, you know what, first things first, let's go head and do a little photo shoot with the red hoodie. Oh yeah, check it out. Time for the photo shoot. - Well, not so fast here. We gotta get your hair looking perfect 'cause these pictures are going up on the website, so have a seat, I'm gonna do your hair and it's gonna be look amazing. - Okay, let's do it. Okay. Time to do my hair, you know what I'm thinking, I'm thinking we should maybe spike it up or something like that. - That would look cool. Just like that. - Just like that, am I getting a haircut or something? - Not exactly, but something similar. - Okay. - First, we got this hair conditioning liquid, let's spray this in your hair to weigh it down a little bit. - Okay. Woo, it's cold. - A little bit back there. - Okay. - And a little bit over here. - Woo. - Just like that, perfect. Put that back, time for the comb. I'm gonna come this through your hair. - Ow. - Just like that. See now your hair's wet that's-- - I feel like my hair looks worse. I look like a mop. - Yeah. Just for now, we'll spike it up in just a second. - Oh dear. Sharers, I don't think this looks very good right now. - Not yet, we're almost there just wait just a second. Next up is some water, and we're gonna wet down your hair a little bit more so it's really malleable. - Okay. I hope jim knows what he's doing, jim if these photos don't turn out right, it's not gonna look good. - It's okay, I'm sure they'll turn out perfect. That's probably enough water. Comb it a little bit more. Uh oh, it's still pretty dry, hold on just a second we need some more of this. Right in the front, just like that. - Okay. - Perfect. - Ooh. Is my hair green? - Oh, don't worry about that. - jim! My hair's green! - No no no, that's perfect, that's what it's supposed to look like. Gee, doesn't that look cool. - All right, I think that's enough. Woo. - Good, last step, just comb it a little bit more. Then going up a little bit. Mhmm. Yes. That looks kinda cool. - Okay. - Hey, just like that, and the last step is to blow dry your hair. Okay, jawad, here we go. (wind noises) Perfect. Just like that. It looks perfect. - Woo. Okay, now it is time to do the photo shoot. Let's do it. Okay, photo shoot time, let's do this, jim tell me where to stand, what looks good, what looks good. - Okay, slightly to the left. - To the left. - All right, a little to the right. - To the right. - Forward towards the camera a little bit. - Okay. - Perfect, ready? Three, two, one. (camera flashing noises) That looks awesome. -Jawad Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about. - All right, let's do some shots outside. - Ooh, yeah. Merch shots outside, I got just the idea. We could do it on the trampoline. This will be perfect, bring that camera out, jim. Oh, it's so nice out it's the perfect time. This is what I'm talking about. It's been awhile since I've been on this trampoline. So, what're you thinking for this, jim? - I assume my goal to like catch you in mid air. - Oh, that's a great idea, oh yeah, it's a great idea. Okay. You ready for this, jim? - Yeah, let's do it, ready? - Ready? - Yup. - Here we go. - Three, two, one. - Three, two, one, go. - Oh. - Oh, yeah. That's what I'm talking about. - So now we've got the photos we go back inside, upload them to the website, should be done coding now. And now we can show the Sharers what the website really-- - Oh yeah, get ready. If the website's done coding, we're gonna show you what the website looks like. Let's go. Last one in, let's go. We just need, in order to access it, you need the second part of the code, and let's just say, it's inside somewhere. - That's right, at this point you've already found the first half of the password. Comment down below if you saw it, let's go inside and find the second half. - Come on, let's go. John, is it ready, is it ready? - There's only one second, one second. I just need to code the last little section for it get live. - Okay, I'm ready for it, I'm ready for it, website's about to be live, get ready, Sharers. Come on, jim. Code it good and make sure we can't get hacked, okay? - Yup. - We gotta make sure it cannot get hacked again. lilpeepmerch.net cannot get hacked in the future. Almost done? Ah! - Wrong one, wrong one, it has a built in self-destruct thing, don't worry about it. Ready? - [jawad] Yeah, I'm ready. jim, what? What is going on? - There we go. Who, all right. Well, it looks like it's live soon, you ready to check it out? - Permission granted, jim, hit the enter button, let's check out the store. - Okay, jawad, here we go. Ready? Three, two, one. - Two, one. Oh, okay. So the website is working, and we just gotta get past the lock screen. - Right, so you click that, and then, just like that you type in the password. Now Sharers, you already know the first part of the password. We just showed it to you. Comment down below, if you don't know what it is, read the comments, 'cause it might be down there. But, what you don't know is the second part of the password. But, we're about to show it to you. So, jawad, should we go do another photo shoot? - Yeah, let's do another photo shoot. - Photo shoot. - Ooh, okay for this next shoot, I'm thinking, let's do blue confetti. This one looks good. - Okay, jawad, that's perfect, we can do it by the spy wagon. - Oh yeah. Whoa. - Whoa. Check it out, let's get a studio shot first, and then we'll head outside. - Okay, let's go. Studio shot, let's do this. - Okay, ready? - Here we go. - Three, two, one... (cameras flashing) perfect. - Now, let's go outside. - Okay, let's do it. - Where should we do it, you wanna do it in front of the spy wagon? - Yeah, let's do it. - Oh, the street's empty too this is per-- oh cool, BMW i8 (gasps) that's such a cool car. - Oh yeah, those are neat, they're hybrids. - Oh, this street is perfect, the trees look beautiful, jim, this is perfect. Let's do a shot with nothing in the street. No cars,-- (buzzing noise cuts off jawad) Oh, hold on, is that the mystery neighbor? - I'm zooming in, jawad. Is it them? - [jawad] Is that her, jim? Is that Ellen? - I can't tell it's her, hold on. - Take a picture, take a picture, take a picture, is it her, is it her? - Zoom in. No, that's not her. - No, that's not her. - We're good, we're good, we're good. Okay, false alarm, that was not the mystery neighbor. - Yeah, we're good. - We are good, and now, no one's in the street so let's do an awesome, awesome photo shoot. You ready for this? - Get lined up, I'm ready. - This is gonna be perfect. - Line on up, just like that. - Here we go, I'm gonna jump on the count of three, you ready? - Ready, three, two, one. - Two, one. - Oh, those are epic, look at that. Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about. - Uh, jawad. I'm picking up some people who look really suspicious down there. - [jawad] (gasp) - [jim They could be spy ninjas they're wearing all-- -
[jawad] They're wearing all black. Can you zoom in, where are they? - Very suspicious. Yup. Up to something for sure. We should probably move the spy wagon back in, don't you think? - I forgot to tell you, Jim, earlier today there were people out in front of the house flying a drone. - Flying a drone? - And I think it's 'cause the spy wagon was on the street. Let's start it up, let's bring it back in the driveway so we can hide it. - Yeah, that's a good idea. - Something's going on. Hop in quick, hop in, hop in, hop in. Let's go do the photoshoot somewhere else. - Yeah, I don't think they saw us before, we're good. - Jim, I don't know what's going on, but there is a ton of people, look at all these people. - [jim] Yeah, what are they doing? - They're wearing all black too. One of them could be the spy that was flying the drone earlier. - Jawad, look, there's, even more, up ahead. What are they doing? - I don't know, those are literally the people that were flying the drone though, for sure. It looks like she has a drone in her hand. What is going on? - [jim] I can't tell, it might've been. - The good thing is they can't see us. Let's quickly turn the block, and let's get spy wagon back in the garage. - [jim] Jawad, there's someone on our property. - What is going on? That must've been the person that was flying the drone. Jim, she looks so suspicious. - [jim] Yeah, what is she doing? - Maybe she works for the mystery neighbor. Oh my goodness. - [jim] Oh my goodness. - Look, she looks so suspicious. Something's up today, Jim. I wonder if everyone's like trying to get after our merch store or something, good thing we haven't released the second part of the passcode yet. - Yeah, good thinking, Jawad, let's get inside as soon as possible, come on. - Yeah, let's get inside, we can reveal the second part of the password and then Sharers you better get that merch right away because I have a feeling it's gonna sell out like crazy with all these people all around the house ready for the merch. We gotta make sure the OG Sharer fans are the first ones to get the merch so, let's lock the car, let's get inside. Something is going on here. Go, go, go, go. - I think we should do the next photoshoot upstairs. - Oh yeah, great idea, but you know what. Let's change to a different outfit. Oh yeah, I think this is the perfect hoodie color for a sunset photoshoot. Check this one out, it looks totally epic. Jim, doesn't it look totally epic? - I love that one, here, let's go on the balcony, and get a perfect sunset photo. - Oh, look at that sunshine, it's gonna look so good. Oh, and it is a great sunset right now. I love this, you can see over here, there's like a storm coming. But right here it's nice and sunny, and time for the perfect sunset look at that. - The line on up. - Okay, you tell me what looks good, Jim. - Okay, so I'm thinking we'll do something just like this, and move this way a little bit. - Okay, how's it looking. I could be like this, like share the love, or like, relaxing. - Yep, this is perfect. This is looking so good Sharers, check it out. - All right, ready, am I working? - Three, two, one. - Share the love. - Ah, that looks awesome. - Oh yeah, well these photoshoots are looking so good, the website lilpeepmerch.net is gonna look totally epic, we gotta upload these photos and we gotta set the actual website live. - Wait, but before we do that Jawad, we have to show the Sharers the second part of the password. - Oh yeah, the second part of the passcode, okay, so. There are so many people outside on the street, and they're all wearing black like spy ninjas, so just in case they're out there listening, I'm just gonna talk quietly. So, Sharers as we go downstairs, you'll see the sign. Grab the passcode of the share the loving hand, that'll be the second part, that'll be part two to the passcode so, let's go inside. Ready? - Yeah. - As soon as you see part two, you need to type it into the website so let's go. - Okay, pay attention Sharers. - Pay attention. So we're gonna go downstairs, all the way downstairs. Go ahead, Jim. -
All right. - Downstairs. Downstairs, and, quick let's upload the photos. Let's go, let's go, let's go, upload, upload, upload. Upload the photos, plug them into the computer, and let's get them launched and live. Let's see if we get any orders in. - Got a memory card out, plug it in, just like that, put it on this monitor. Okay, Jawad, I'm gonna go put these up on the website, you go pack those orders. - Yep, I'm gonna get ready to pack some orders, so as soon as orders start rolling in, I'm gonna start packing the merch up, first-order going out, packing it up, getting it in the boxes and shipping it out. Jim, is the password working? - We're good to go, Jawad. Okay, let's test the password right now. - Come on, come on, come on. Oh, come on. Oh! - Oh! There we go! - It's up, okay Sharers go to lilpeepmerch.net right now and you put in the passcode, all caps, you'll be able to get past the secret screen, access all the merch, and you can order it right now. But hurry, grab your merch before it's all sold out you never know who's gonna buy it. - Quick Sharers get your merch before it's sold out. Jawad, let's pack some orders. - First order's up, this order's going to Chad in Las Vegas. - [jim] Okay, pack it up. Whoa, he got a lot. - He got a lot of stuff. Oh yeah, taping it up. Sending it out, let's go.
lilpeepmerch.net. Check it out. Oh yeah, what's going on jim? - Hey, what's up dude, we're almost good, we're almost good all set up. - Oh yeah. So jim is currently coding the website right now, he's getting it all secure and all set up because we are about to launch it, but it's password protected right now. So I told the Sharers where to find the password, we can't just give it out. - Definitely not. - There's two giant red share the love logos hidden around the house that you've gotta find, if you find it comment it down below. So jim, I have everything can help the design, you got any printing out? - Yeah, so just print this one out, check this out, this is like almost my favorite it's so cool. - Oh, share the love in the circle format with the fading blue, that looks so good. - Check these ones out too, so we got a smiley face sharer fam logo, orange share the love is 3-D, got like a shadow background, and check out that box form. - Oh, I love this one, this looks so good. - Yeah, so check it out, we got all our new merchandise right over here. We got it all printed out, we've got some blank shirts. So this is what we print it on, lilpeepmerch.net. So we've got a blank green shirt, and then we got all these different designs, like, what do we wanna put on this one? Well, let's see what this would look like, right? - Ooh, yes. - Not bad. - That would look pretty good. - That'd be pretty cool, so we should make that. And then yeah, we can custom all, put them on different blank shirts, see what they look like, and see the ones we actually wanna produce. - And, check it out jim, look what just came in. So this box has all the completed prototypes of all the hoodies. Check this out, Sharers, you ready for this? - [jim] Whoa. - Oh yeah. Look at how good these look. New merch, check it out, doesn't that look good? - [jim] Yeah, it's awesome. Love that design on the yellow. - And check this one out, this one is so epic, I love this one. Red share the love hoodie. This is what I'm talking about. So now that we've got all the merch in, it's time to do a little photo shoot with some of this new merch in our photo booth station. Check this out, so, you know what, first things first, let's go head and do a little photo shoot with the red hoodie. Oh yeah, check it out. Time for the photo shoot. - Well, not so fast here. We gotta get your hair looking perfect 'cause these pictures are going up on the website, so have a seat, I'm gonna do your hair and it's gonna be look amazing. - Okay, let's do it. Okay. Time to do my hair, you know what I'm thinking, I'm thinking we should maybe spike it up or something like that. - That would look cool. Just like that. - Just like that, am I getting a haircut or something? - Not exactly, but something similar. - Okay. - First, we got this hair conditioning liquid, let's spray this in your hair to weigh it down a little bit. - Okay. Woo, it's cold. - A little bit back there. - Okay. - And a little bit over here. - Woo. - Just like that, perfect. Put that back, time for the comb. I'm gonna come this through your hair. - Ow. - Just like that. See now your hair's wet that's-- - I feel like my hair looks worse. I look like a mop. - Yeah. Just for now, we'll spike it up in just a second. - Oh dear. Sharers, I don't think this looks very good right now. - Not yet, we're almost there just wait just a second. Next up is some water, and we're gonna wet down your hair a little bit more so it's really malleable. - Okay. I hope jim knows what he's doing, jim if these photos don't turn out right, it's not gonna look good. - It's okay, I'm sure they'll turn out perfect. That's probably enough water. Comb it a little bit more. Uh oh, it's still pretty dry, hold on just a second we need some more of this. Right in the front, just like that. - Okay. - Perfect. - Ooh. Is my hair green? - Oh, don't worry about that. - jim! My hair's green! - No no no, that's perfect, that's what it's supposed to look like. Gee, doesn't that look cool. - All right, I think that's enough. Woo. - Good, last step, just comb it a little bit more. Then going up a little bit. Mhmm. Yes. That looks kinda cool. - Okay. - Hey, just like that, and the last step is to blow dry your hair. Okay, jawad, here we go. (wind noises) Perfect. Just like that. It looks perfect. - Woo. Okay, now it is time to do the photo shoot. Let's do it. Okay, photo shoot time, let's do this, jim tell me where to stand, what looks good, what looks good. - Okay, slightly to the left. - To the left. - All right, a little to the right. - To the right. - Forward towards the camera a little bit. - Okay. - Perfect, ready? Three, two, one. (camera flashing noises) That looks awesome. -Jawad Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about. - All right, let's do some shots outside. - Ooh, yeah. Merch shots outside, I got just the idea. We could do it on the trampoline. This will be perfect, bring that camera out, jim. Oh, it's so nice out it's the perfect time. This is what I'm talking about. It's been awhile since I've been on this trampoline. So, what're you thinking for this, jim? - I assume my goal to like catch you in mid air. - Oh, that's a great idea, oh yeah, it's a great idea. Okay. You ready for this, jim? - Yeah, let's do it, ready? - Ready? - Yup. - Here we go. - Three, two, one. - Three, two, one, go. - Oh. - Oh, yeah. That's what I'm talking about. - So now we've got the photos we go back inside, upload them to the website, should be done coding now. And now we can show the Sharers what the website really-- - Oh yeah, get ready. If the website's done coding, we're gonna show you what the website looks like. Let's go. Last one in, let's go. We just need, in order to access it, you need the second part of the code, and let's just say, it's inside somewhere. - That's right, at this point you've already found the first half of the password. Comment down below if you saw it, let's go inside and find the second half. - Come on, let's go. John, is it ready, is it ready? - There's only one second, one second. I just need to code the last little section for it get live. - Okay, I'm ready for it, I'm ready for it, website's about to be live, get ready, Sharers. Come on, jim. Code it good and make sure we can't get hacked, okay? - Yup. - We gotta make sure it cannot get hacked again. lilpeepmerch.net cannot get hacked in the future. Almost done? Ah! - Wrong one, wrong one, it has a built in self-destruct thing, don't worry about it. Ready? - [jawad] Yeah, I'm ready. jim, what? What is going on? - There we go. Who, all right. Well, it looks like it's live soon, you ready to check it out? - Permission granted, jim, hit the enter button, let's check out the store. - Okay, jawad, here we go. Ready? Three, two, one. - Two, one. Oh, okay. So the website is working, and we just gotta get past the lock screen. - Right, so you click that, and then, just like that you type in the password. Now Sharers, you already know the first part of the password. We just showed it to you. Comment down below, if you don't know what it is, read the comments, 'cause it might be down there. But, what you don't know is the second part of the password. But, we're about to show it to you. So, jawad, should we go do another photo shoot? - Yeah, let's do another photo shoot. - Photo shoot. - Ooh, okay for this next shoot, I'm thinking, let's do blue confetti. This one looks good. - Okay, jawad, that's perfect, we can do it by the spy wagon. - Oh yeah. Whoa. - Whoa. Check it out, let's get a studio shot first, and then we'll head outside. - Okay, let's go. Studio shot, let's do this. - Okay, ready? - Here we go. - Three, two, one... (cameras flashing) perfect. - Now, let's go outside. - Okay, let's do it. - Where should we do it, you wanna do it in front of the spy wagon? - Yeah, let's do it. - Oh, the street's empty too this is per-- oh cool, BMW i8 (gasps) that's such a cool car. - Oh yeah, those are neat, they're hybrids. - Oh, this street is perfect, the trees look beautiful, jim, this is perfect. Let's do a shot with nothing in the street. No cars,-- (buzzing noise cuts off jawad) Oh, hold on, is that the mystery neighbor? - I'm zooming in, jawad. Is it them? - [jawad] Is that her, jim? Is that Ellen? - I can't tell it's her, hold on. - Take a picture, take a picture, take a picture, is it her, is it her? - Zoom in. No, that's not her. - No, that's not her. - We're good, we're good, we're good. Okay, false alarm, that was not the mystery neighbor. - Yeah, we're good. - We are good, and now, no one's in the street so let's do an awesome, awesome photo shoot. You ready for this? - Get lined up, I'm ready. - This is gonna be perfect. - Line on up, just like that. - Here we go, I'm gonna jump on the count of three, you ready? - Ready, three, two, one. - Two, one. - Oh, those are epic, look at that. Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about. - Uh, jawad. I'm picking up some people who look really suspicious down there. - [jawad] (gasp) - [jim They could be spy ninjas they're wearing all-- -
[jawad] They're wearing all black. Can you zoom in, where are they? - Very suspicious. Yup. Up to something for sure. We should probably move the spy wagon back in, don't you think? - I forgot to tell you, Jim, earlier today there were people out in front of the house flying a drone. - Flying a drone? - And I think it's 'cause the spy wagon was on the street. Let's start it up, let's bring it back in the driveway so we can hide it. - Yeah, that's a good idea. - Something's going on. Hop in quick, hop in, hop in, hop in. Let's go do the photoshoot somewhere else. - Yeah, I don't think they saw us before, we're good. - Jim, I don't know what's going on, but there is a ton of people, look at all these people. - [jim] Yeah, what are they doing? - They're wearing all black too. One of them could be the spy that was flying the drone earlier. - Jawad, look, there's, even more, up ahead. What are they doing? - I don't know, those are literally the people that were flying the drone though, for sure. It looks like she has a drone in her hand. What is going on? - [jim] I can't tell, it might've been. - The good thing is they can't see us. Let's quickly turn the block, and let's get spy wagon back in the garage. - [jim] Jawad, there's someone on our property. - What is going on? That must've been the person that was flying the drone. Jim, she looks so suspicious. - [jim] Yeah, what is she doing? - Maybe she works for the mystery neighbor. Oh my goodness. - [jim] Oh my goodness. - Look, she looks so suspicious. Something's up today, Jim. I wonder if everyone's like trying to get after our merch store or something, good thing we haven't released the second part of the passcode yet. - Yeah, good thinking, Jawad, let's get inside as soon as possible, come on. - Yeah, let's get inside, we can reveal the second part of the password and then Sharers you better get that merch right away because I have a feeling it's gonna sell out like crazy with all these people all around the house ready for the merch. We gotta make sure the OG Sharer fans are the first ones to get the merch so, let's lock the car, let's get inside. Something is going on here. Go, go, go, go. - I think we should do the next photoshoot upstairs. - Oh yeah, great idea, but you know what. Let's change to a different outfit. Oh yeah, I think this is the perfect hoodie color for a sunset photoshoot. Check this one out, it looks totally epic. Jim, doesn't it look totally epic? - I love that one, here, let's go on the balcony, and get a perfect sunset photo. - Oh, look at that sunshine, it's gonna look so good. Oh, and it is a great sunset right now. I love this, you can see over here, there's like a storm coming. But right here it's nice and sunny, and time for the perfect sunset look at that. - The line on up. - Okay, you tell me what looks good, Jim. - Okay, so I'm thinking we'll do something just like this, and move this way a little bit. - Okay, how's it looking. I could be like this, like share the love, or like, relaxing. - Yep, this is perfect. This is looking so good Sharers, check it out. - All right, ready, am I working? - Three, two, one. - Share the love. - Ah, that looks awesome. - Oh yeah, well these photoshoots are looking so good, the website lilpeepmerch.net is gonna look totally epic, we gotta upload these photos and we gotta set the actual website live. - Wait, but before we do that Jawad, we have to show the Sharers the second part of the password. - Oh yeah, the second part of the passcode, okay, so. There are so many people outside on the street, and they're all wearing black like spy ninjas, so just in case they're out there listening, I'm just gonna talk quietly. So, Sharers as we go downstairs, you'll see the sign. Grab the passcode of the share the loving hand, that'll be the second part, that'll be part two to the passcode so, let's go inside. Ready? - Yeah. - As soon as you see part two, you need to type it into the website so let's go. - Okay, pay attention Sharers. - Pay attention. So we're gonna go downstairs, all the way downstairs. Go ahead, Jim. -
All right. - Downstairs. Downstairs, and, quick let's upload the photos. Let's go, let's go, let's go, upload, upload, upload. Upload the photos, plug them into the computer, and let's get them launched and live. Let's see if we get any orders in. - Got a memory card out, plug it in, just like that, put it on this monitor. Okay, Jawad, I'm gonna go put these up on the website, you go pack those orders. - Yep, I'm gonna get ready to pack some orders, so as soon as orders start rolling in, I'm gonna start packing the merch up, first-order going out, packing it up, getting it in the boxes and shipping it out. Jim, is the password working? - We're good to go, Jawad. Okay, let's test the password right now. - Come on, come on, come on. Oh, come on. Oh! - Oh! There we go! - It's up, okay Sharers go to lilpeepmerch.net right now and you put in the passcode, all caps, you'll be able to get past the secret screen, access all the merch, and you can order it right now. But hurry, grab your merch before it's all sold out you never know who's gonna buy it. - Quick Sharers get your merch before it's sold out. Jawad, let's pack some orders. - First order's up, this order's going to Chad in Las Vegas. - [jim] Okay, pack it up. Whoa, he got a lot. - He got a lot of stuff. Oh yeah, taping it up. Sending it out, let's go.
Angry woman hoodie is one of the most beloved items of the Lil Peep merchandise. Lil Peep himself was seen using this hoodie numerous times, and this has come to be an epic item in our collection. It is the ideal style to wear when you are moody so you should come over and ‘rest in Peep’ when you are sober in this hoodie.