Dating a Girl - Peep Merch Store

Dating a girl with tattoos w/ Stephi Lee by Victoria X Rave and Stephi Lee we're actually yeah hi ts victoria x rave up here with Stephi Lee we're gonna talk about dating as an alternative slash tattooed deadlock just like to creature yeah how it's like for us to date and our experience is so far not only just dating as a tattooed person but also kind of do team in Los Angeles as well so that's topic for today yes I've lost bruises other legs okay focused up me focus Oh oh my gosh Stephi lee wow there's like everyone's like fangirling around that I say it out via the paparazzi's like it away what is strong here please just like for two seconds like come on I'll be honest I'm really hungover and I don't drink a lot okay I don't think that it just I had a lot of alcohol on an empty stomach it's really hard for me to think right now I got a party to the person not afraid I usually like never party but like last night dating as me is awful but you guys already know that you have a gun actually we have this problem where well I have this problem I don't know if it's as much where people like are interested in me because I look interesting and then they get to know me and they're like yeah I got you know we had after this really this is our last time hanging out except that you said he would leave me again I totally go for guys that are totally like at all I would I do I don't think that they're into cute girls as much they're interested like non tattooed guys are super it's kind like a fetish to them for the just punish us she's a real girl and advantage this video is gonna be so what they tell something to the world and I like and like they're they're not as much about what society wants me they think that's another thing too and a lot of people when they see with like tattoos and stuff like that there they see her as kind of being like a rebel they're not like I'm coming inside I'm like super like farm girl sweet blah blah blah I'm not really what I appear to be on the outside but people judge it like that we're such fools yeah we're like fat that's so bad I think it's a lot harder to find love in my opinion as an alternative person but also products my brains messed up too I don't know what it is but like you haven't found love yet either this be a still on topic I did that are like okay I try to shut for it right I try to like start writing things down that I couldn't get the strap well I got to talk about my fingers hurt so like I stopped it's gonna be very structured you guys can judge me all you want and blah blah blah but you know what is videos by representation of Sherri Pender instead these videos are no they're gone they're still put together Churchill she's very she's very good with like the artistic aspect of things yeah people like your style but ever since they come to my trailer like I know no they don't uh stating we're actually we're actually named yeah no one wants us so we decided to love each other and I think that's how I think that that's that was what was gonna be all you guys keep commenting you guys like you and selfie she just a and then I thought about it I'm like yeah you guys are right so we're getting matching tattoos educated the I already went there yeah you can see oh yeah I used to be married oh yeah yeah okay so yeah it's really hard to date whatever you have a best upgrade my grandpa told me once no-one's ever loved and he was right just need anybody strong she's strong independent woman I'm not I'm a weak codependent the prefix of the trans really what two braids are enough go I hope you enjoyed this video guys I know it's all over the place it is it good I had to point at all really important try to make is that for me in Jakarta today just it's hard stay and people judge me and I'd rather it was someone tattoos but also like something with outside tattoos wanna be under the gab down for that too basically and that's the conclusion for this video hope you guys enjoyed stay to terrestrial make sure you go check out Stephi's channel together and then we're gonna go get
